Raising Lions

Raising Strong Courageous, Resilient, Uncoercible Kids

- in an uncertain world

PWQ presents

A ‘new forgotten’ approach to raising kids.

We believe that there has never been a more important time to raise strong, brave, resilient kids that are not afraid to stand up for themselves, to protect their loved ones and learn how to deal with the many life challenges they will face.

It is our desire in offering this unique program to provide you (and them together) with the tools they need to not only survive, but thrive in the new ‘crazy’ (ab)normal world we now live in.

Why Raising Lions?

The metaphor "raising lions" means to raise strong, brave, and independent individuals who are unafraid to take risks and pursue their dreams. The term "lion" is used to symbolize strength, courage and perseverance. By using this metaphor, it implies that parents are preparing their children to become powerful and confident individuals who are able to face and tackle the challenges of life with courage and determination.

Emotionally, it signifies the immense responsibility and challenges that come with raising children and molding them into strong and successful individuals who can thrive in the world. It also conveys the pride and satisfaction that comes with seeing one's children grow and succeed in life.

A Lion:

- Strong and powerful

- Confident and fearless

- Independent and self-sufficient

- Fiercely loyal and honest

- Leader and protector

- Opportunistic and efficient

A Sheep:

- Timid and submissive

- Compliant and fearful

- Dependent and obedient

- Vulnerable and preyed upon

- Herd mentality, unable to think for themselves

We Live in a New, Unforgiving World

In a world that is becoming increasingly unforgiving.

It's essential now that parents take back the responsibility of not only educating but more importantly raising their children to be strong, brave, and unafraid to take risks.

Like lions, children should be taught to stand up for themselves, protect their loved ones, and never back down from a challenge.

Today's world is more challenging and more complex than ever before and while it may be tempting in light of this, to protect and shelter them from the hardships of life, that approach might feel innately right, it does little to prepare them for the real world.

We end up with what are good kids, but become sheep-like. Sheep are by nature docile, compliant and submissive, unable to defend themselves against the challenges and injustices of life, or take charge in difficult situations- allowing predators ( many hard to recognise ) to overwhelm them and prey upon them in many different forms, which can and will seriously impact their lives.

Kids raised like sheep will struggle to assert themselves or make their way in a world that values resilience, determination, and courage.

Raising children like lions doesn't mean being harsh or overly critical.

Instead, it means providing them with the tools and resources they need to powerfully thrive.

It means teaching them the value of hard work, resilience, and perseverance. It means teaching them to be kind and compassionate, but also to stand up for themselves and fight for what they believe in. It means teaching them principles and in a confusing world what is right and what is wrong.

As parents, it's our duty to Raise Lions to be the best versions of themselves. And while raising kids like lions may be challenging at times, the rewards are immeasurable.

If we make this one single decision - which is a parent's choice- Raise them as Lions and they will grow up to be strong, empowered, and confident, ready, willing and able to take on whatever life throws their way.

They'll be leaders, protectors, and influencers, shaping the world around them and making it a better place for everyone.

Raising Lions is vital to their children's development and future success. Strong kids are better equipped to handle life's challenges, more confident in themselves, more independent, better leaders, and more empathetic towards others.

5 of the most valuable gifts

you can ever give your Kids

(no- It's not money or real estate)


Life is full of challenges, and children who are Raised as Lions will be far better equipped to handle life's inevitable setbacks, failures, and obstacles. They will learn to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again, even in the face of adversity.


Children who are Raised as Lions will be more confident in themselves and their abilities. This self-assuredness will help them succeed in school, social situations, and ultimately, in their careers and personal lives. Confident kids can also think critically, and are willing to challenge the status quo when necessary.


Children who are Raised as Lions will develop a sense of independence and self-reliance. They will be more capable of making their own decisions, solving problems, and taking charge of their future. This in turn makes them less susceptible to external bribes, narratives and coercion.


Children who are Raised as Lions will often become natural leaders. They will have the confidence, resilience, and independence necessary to take charge in group settings, make decisions, and inspire others.


Kids Raised as Lions are also likely to develop empathy and compassion towards others. They will understand that strength is not just about being tough and confident, but also about being kind and supportive of those around them.

So in the end - there is, in our view, little choice, and let us choose as parents to ask this question - what would we prefer? -to raise our children like lions, or sheep – scared and fragile, or with strength, courage, and an unwavering determination to succeed.

So, Whose Responsibility is it to Raise Lions?

It is …and has always been that of the parents. 

Yet slowly and over time this has been outsourced by parents to the school education system.

The sad fact is that none of this is or will ever be taught at schools or by the current crop of teachers, however well meaning. They don't decide what is being taught , this is mandated by the government and by a handful of unelected bureaucrats that seem to want to push their own agenda or who don't live in the real world.

Parents are starting to wake up and realise the critical deficiency in kids just learning the 3 R’s and perhaps little more. There are certainly not the most important life skills that will underpin and carry them through the rest of their lives well and successfully, no matter what occurs .

It is we who need to change before we can expect change in others

The way we interact with our children is the single most important factor that will determine their behavioral and their mental health.

We are responsible for the exponential growth in psychological disorders in our children. Our children are fine. It's us who have to change.

Raising Lions is for everyone who has children or who works

with children. We will attempt to show parents, teachers and professionals more effective ways to raise, manage and motivate our children while mitigating the need for powerful psychiatric medications which itself is growing at alarming rates.

We will show parents and teachers how to raise children who are psychologically healthier, have stronger self-discipline, more resilience and greater self esteems to go and achieve anything they wish in life despite their current circumstances -

Modern Challenges - we as Parents never had to face

1. Globalist agendas and loss of personal freedom: Never before in history have we faced such a threat to our individual freedom on a global level. Control measures such as vaccine mandates, digital surveillance, mainstream censorship,  and the threat of a cashless society are all problems our children will continue to navigate in years ahead.

2. Mass Formation Psychosis: Disagreeing with a mainstream narrative, no matter how irrational or immoral it may be, is a major challenge for everyone in today’s world, but especially for our young people as they are simultaneously exploring how they fit in and develop a healthy peer group. 

3. Cyberbullying: With the widespread use of online social media and other digital communication platforms, cyberbullying has become a significant challenge for young people. They can experience harassment, intimidation or humiliation in the digital space.

4. Social media addiction: While social media has proven to be useful in keeping people connected and informed, it can also create a range of problems, such as addiction, negative self-image, cybercrime, and identity theft.

5. Academic pressure: Students today are under intense academic pressure to achieve high grades and attend the most prestigious institutions. This can lead to academic burnout, anxiety, and stress.

6. Online privacy risks: Privacy protection has become an increasingly complex issue as hackers and others seek to obtain personal information or hack into digital profiles. Therefore, young people have to be careful with their personal information and private data.

7.  Environmental degradation: The world's oceans, ecosystems, and forests are under threat, due to activities such as deforestation, pollution, and mining. Human consumption is also contributing to the loss of biodiversity, which threatens ecosystems.

8. Economic inequality: Despite economic growth, the world is still facing stark inequalities. According to the United Nations, more than 700 million people still live in extreme poverty. Income and social inequalities remain significant barriers to social and economic mobility.

9. Public health: Fake Global pandemics and the government's reaction to this itself  pose a significant threat to the world. The manufactured COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the willingness and ability of governments to assert massive control over people's freedom and mental health .

10. Social polarization: The world is witnessing major social polarization due to political polarization, segregation, and discrimination. The result of this phenomenon creates significant challenges in various countries around the world.

11. Loss of trust and faith in our institutions: We have all learnt in the last four years to question the intentions and integrity of our government, our medical system, our media, and even our neigbours… For our kids, this is now the new normal, and it requires a new level of resilience and personal determination to thrive in the absence of it.

As a parent – what do you want for your child?

Imagine their 18th or 21st birthday party.

As you listen to the speeches, from their friends, perhaps a teacher, or the speech that you give about them….

What do you want to be said in those speeches?

What sort of person do you want your child to be? What does it look like for them to achieve their potential?

Why Engage in Raising Lions?

There’s really only one reason - So you can become the best version of yourself, in order to be the best parent for your children.

Your continued growth is what best equips you to support and guide your child on their own ‘hero’s journey’ in life.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. So be mindful what are you teaching them, as they watch your example.

Raising Lions is about finding your PRIDE. Together as a group, we’re growing together, hunting together, living free together as the Lions and Lionesses we were created to be … and we’re teaching our cubs by showing them the path to self sufficiency and happiness..

Raising Lions - Our 10 Tenets

  1. When I’m faced with a challenge, or a roadblock in life - I know how to overcome it, and I have the confidence to find and work towards a solution … Challenges excite, (they don’t intimidate) me.

  2. It’s good to ask questions. Asking good and better questions is the key to discovering and learning good answers and solutions.

  3. I am responsible for the results in my life. If there is something I want to achieve, it’s up to me to make it happen.

  4. When a good team works well together, we can achieve far more together than we can on our own.

  5. I only fail when I quit.

  6. I should focus on my strengths, and get better at what I’m good at. If I’m not good at something, I can find someone else who is good at it, to do it.

  7. Goal setting is important. I love setting goals, and I love even more, achieving them!

  8. There are strategies to deal with stress, overwhelm and help with my mental health. Learning, and applying these strategies is a game-changer.

  9. In school, you get punished for copying someone else. In life... if you see someone that's successful … It is smart to learn what they are doing... and follow their recipe.

  10. It’s better to have a go, make a mistake and learn from it - than not to have tried at all. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

General Course Content Overview

* not every topic below will be covered in our introductory course. This is the basis of the overall education Parents With Questions aims to achieve over time with our continued education programs)

How to achieve amazing goals in your life.

Theory of goal setting.

Methods of goal setting

Individual Goal setting completion and share.

The science of happiness.

The latest research on how to be really happy.

What doesn’t make you happy.

The best happiness increasing techniques.

Being unstoppable.

How to be super resilient and bounce back from tough times.

Why resiliency and grit is so important to your success- the research.

Amazing example of persistence and never giving up.

Staying chilled when times are hard.

Relaxation techniques.

How to get to sleep if you’re stressed.

Great ways to release the pressure.

Thriving at school.

How to act when other kids hassle you.

How winners at school think.

How to handle nasty teachers.

Techniques to do well in exams.

How to get on with your parents.

Why parents do what they do.

Ways to improve your relationship with your parents.

How to handle a difficult mum or dad

The art of enjoying life at home.

How to win friends and Influence people.

The story of this great book.

It’s most important lessons.

The top 5 takeaways you can use

Entrepreneurship. How to start your own business one day.

What to look for in a business.

Ideas for great businesses.

First steps to opening a business.

Stories from great entrepreneurs.

Becoming a great leader.

Why being good at leadership is so important

Top principles of leading people.

How to get comfortable with being out of your ‘comfort zone.

develop the capacity to problem solve.

develop a growth mindset.

cultivate strength/ courage / self-belief (be a lion’)

Win Fast- the 30 biggest lessons.

Lots of quick techniques to achieve more and be more.

Mind, time, strategy, body, soul.

How to have incredible confidence.

Why confidence is so important to having an awesome life.

How to fix your shyness.

the secrets to really believing in yourself.

Body language techniques for super confidence.

Go against the Tide

Grow a deeper understanding of resilience and develop skills to model and teach.

Understanding resilience (thoughts, attitudes, behaviours)

How to identify “group think” and how to navigate it socially without compromising yourself

Knowing when to stretch but not break (rubber band)

Create Your Business or Community Project Plan

Work in small teams to create a not for profit project, small business or initiative you would like to see exist to fill a need or solve a problem